Five Reasons To Hire A Business Coach in Dubai

During the more than 20 years that I have been involved with the business community of Dubai, I have witnessed how enterprises that resisted adopting modern business practices, have suffered huge financial losses even resulting in bankruptcy.

The temptation for more traditional business owners is to adhere to practices that are no longer deemed effective and these outdated means of conducting oneself in the modern-day business world inevitably leads to failure. Dubai as an economical center within the UAE, has been steadily progressing forward, becoming synonymous with all that is new and modern.

As a business person, remaining in the bubble of your comfort zone will most certainly result in negative growth, harming the very foundation and prospects of your operation. No doubt you have spent many years and put in a lot of hard work to build your business and you will do anything in your power to keep and maintain your undertaking. The continued health of your business is your main concern, but what happens when your business is under threat?

Perhaps you are seeing a decline in your turnover or you are losing clients and you feel at a loss as to why it is happening.

You are running and conducting your business in exactly the same way as you have been doing since you started and yet the business is losing ground instead of growing, or at the very best it is stagnant when you know that it has great potential to expand. For these answers you need the services of a professional Business Coach.

An athlete training to compete in an event will be not smart to attempt to work completely alone without a dedicated trainer at his or her side to guide and make recommendations on how to improve his/her performance. Likewise, will a football club not prepare for the upcoming season without employing a coach to get them into shape and direct their focus.

A professional business coach has the benefit of experience and can offer you the advantage of guiding you and your business to:

  • Work smarter
  • Work more efficient
  • Make greater and faster progress
  • Give you better insight into your business.

What a business coach will do for you is provide you with the tools and the knowhow of the Dubai market to overcome the obstacles and challenges that you are facing in taking your business forward to the next level, ultimately making you and your business more successful. Having encountered the same difficulties you are facing on numerous occasions before a business coach will have the practical experience to guide you through these obstacles and help you to prosper.

So, here are five main reasons why you should consider hiring a business coach, when running a business in Dubai.

1. For an Honest, Unbiased and Expert Opinion.

A business coach has a greater perspective of your undertaking than what you as business owner have simply because the business coach is not in the same way bound to your business. Being an outsider, allows the business coach greater objectivity to identify problems and potential dangers to the health of your business. Where we as owners of businesses are often reluctant or unable to see the obvious stumbling blocks that our own conduct and decisions create, it is much easier for a professional to point out these obstacles and alert us to its harmful effect.

Coming in as an independent service provider, the business coach has the freedom to offer you guidance that is purely based on professional experience and is not influenced from within your company structure. It is for this honest, unbiased and expert counselling that you as a business owner are paying, knowing that it will unlock the true potential of your business and you personally, and enable you to take your business into the future.

2. An Outside Perspective

Running a business of any size or description, requires your continued and dedicated involvement on every level of its conduct. As owner, you stand the risk of losing your objectivity and perspective. You become like the athlete training for a race without the benefit of having someone to train you and monitor your performance, helping you to correct your mistakes and guiding you to the win that you deserve.

A business coach is there to through a process of questioning and elimination direct your own decision making in such a way that you can avoid potential pitfalls & unlock your true potential!

3. Improving your Personal and Business Performance

Any entrepreneur will attest to the amount of discipline that is required to build a business and to keep it going day by day, often too great personal sacrifice and hardship. Maintaining focus on your goals while fighting to overcome obstacles is what can make or break a business owner. To always perform at your peak is stressful and immensely difficult and many of us will falter at some point during our careers as business professionals. Having a professional coach to pose the right questions at the right time to draw your attention back to where your focus might be lacking can prevent you from making decisions that could potentially cause your business great harm.

Many entrepreneurs and owners of business practices are operating either completely on their own or with very little outside support. Having a business coach who with his or her greater insight on your side, to constantly keep you on your toes, can be invaluable to keeping your objectives in mind and your personal performance in line with your goals.

Your business is only as strong as what you are and the better your personal performance, the better will it reflect upon your business and the more success will you have.

4. Self Confidence

If you are starting a new enterprise in Dubai or building a business up for the first time, you will without a doubt be needing more encouragement and training. The challenges that you will be facing can be daunting and it is natural to falter in the face of such overwhelming odds. Feeling discouraged and alone could lead to you giving up on your dreams and a business coach will be able to show you how to proceed when you cannot perceive a way forward on your own. A good business coach will give you the confidence to move forward with your business and grow stronger and more resilient to the effects of setbacks.

5. Focus and Concentration

It can so easily happen that you will feel drained and exhausted, wishing for more hours in the day to keep abreast of the challenges that you face, conducting your business in Dubai. Your personal life and that of your business are interlinked and the one will always have an effect on the other. On your own it can be an impossible task to maintain the high levels of energy that is required to build-up a successful business enterprise and maintain a healthy family life.

Your business coach will know how important it is to maintain your energy and enthusiasm for your business. There are days that it will hardly seem worth your while to persistently work at your business and that is when the encouragement of your coach will help you to refocus your energy back to your main task. In order to achieve the success that you desire, you cannot lose sight of your goals.

Let’s work together to transform your business! If you have any questions or anything, I can help with feel free to email me at

Make the right step towards success

If you are interested in growing your business and increasing your bottom line, get in touch with me now so we can make it happen!